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Hey how is everything going I know I have made a lot of ads and its because a lot of women on here are all too picky and don't understand what they are doing wrong and I am trying to teach yall but apparently yall don't really want to get a good guy or something like I think a lot of yall women want a guy that will treat you wrong because it is an adventure to yall. See me I am not going to lie to yall I am a young black man but I have never been to jail no kids no crazy exs neva shot anybody neva cheated and neva did anything that women think blk men like me do. So women you all need to stop prejudging blk men and thinking that all of us are dogs and all that because its not true because if everything people say about people is true then no woman would have a man and nobody would be here period. I am getting tired of women keep asking if I have a pic you will see a pic when I really get to know u because u just can't send out pics because you don't know who is crazy or anything ya know, so you don't have to show me a pic of yourself I would rather you described yourself first ya know. Another thing why is my age a problem I am just looking for a real good friend thats it I am not jumping into anything serious right I mean you just can't jump head first into something like that you have to build a strong friendship with first to know who you are messing with ya know. Why does my age have to be a problem I guess the saying age is just a number nobody believes in but everybody always asks me when they respond to my ad how old are you and why does it matter how old I am come on I am old enough I am legal and I am looking for somebody who can handle the mindframe and the conversations I have because I have conversations that will get you to think and change your mind about a lot of things. Now what I am looking for is a woman who I can be real good friends with somebody who can be my partner in crime somebody who I can go bowling with or play pool with or play cards w
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